GLIN at Pride 2019

Over the summer, Glasgow LGBT+ Interfaith Network took part of two Glasgow Pride events.

On the sunny and hot Saturday of 20th July, GLIN took part of the MardiGla march. GLIN was placed at the head of the religious LGBT+ groups marching, which we found fit our motto "Visibility, harmony, and acceptance" perfectly. Being the first faith group for the onlookers to see, GLIN was allowed to show that LGBT+ people of faith are willing to find comradeship among other LGBT+ people of faith, no matter our beliefs. And as the group divisions became blurry, as is the case of any Pride march, our interfaith message was brought to reality: the MCC members mixing with GLIN members, mixing with Catholic members, mixing with Quakers. A true interfaith event, happening organically and with all our joys.

During Free Pride, at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, GLIN had a stall next to the Metropolitan Community Church, in close proximity to the Quaker stall. At Free Pride, GLIN's aims were to raise awareness among the Glasgow LGBT+ community of our interfaith projects. Among different faith-based and non-faith-based organisations, GLIN got to meet a multitude of different individuals, from many different faith and non-faith backgrounds, from Glasgow or from far away. And as GLIN got to share our intentions and goals with the work we do to many persons who had no previous knowledge of us, in turn, GLIN got to hear many different stories from people who were unknown to us before.
Both the MardiGla march and the Free Pride stall were huge successes for GLIN, and we hope that our year until next pride season in Glasgow offers us the right experience to reach many more people in the future.